Media Studies


To graduate in Media Studies from Berkeley, students need to fulfill three sets of requirements: (1) those of the University of California (and Berkeley campus); (2) of the College of Letters and Science, and (3) those of the major. Although final responsibility for learning and completing requirements rests with you, three kinds of academic assistance are available to help you understand these requirements:

1. College Advising

L&S College Advisors in the College of Letters & Sciences Office of Undergraduate Advising advise students regarding fulfilling University of CaliforniaUC Berkeley, and College of Letters & Science requirements to graduate; choosing a major; general schedule planning; moving expected graduation term dates, taking leaves of absence, requesting reduced course loads below the required 13 units, concerns about grades and probation, etc. For more information, refer to College of L&S Advising.

2. Major Academic Advisers

Laura Demir and Chelsea Prieto, the Media Studies Student Academic Advisors, should be your first contact for general information about the Media Studies major. They are the staff advisors to see regarding application and declaration of the major, and the fulfillment of major requirements for graduation. They can advise you on the scheduling and availability of Media Studies courses as well as with many concerns related to the major. They can also refer you to valuable resources and enrichment opportunities on campus. They coordinate the Undergraduate and Interdisciplinary Studies (UGIS) Commencement ceremony, which includes Media Studies, with the American Studies and ISF Student Academic Advisors each spring. If you are uncertain about where to go for your specific advising need, you can always start with your Student Academic Advisor.

TIP: Many advising problems arise because students fail to check on their official enrollments and their final grades and/or they fail to check-in regarding their progress toward fulfilling degree requirements on a regular basis. Problems also arise when students do not read emails sent out from UC Berkeley, L&S and the Media Studies major. Keep on top of your grades, enrollments and progress in fulfilling requirements. Read emails. Seek guidance as soon as you notice an error or have a question or concern. Answers to many questions may be found on the websites of the Office of the Registrar and the College of Letters & Sciences Office of Undergraduate Advising.

3. Major Advising

Dr. Josh Jackson, Dr. Ian Davis and Dr. Meeta Rani Jha are the faculty who serve as Media Studies Faculty Advisors.  When students are declared in Media Studies, they are assigned a Faculty Advisor and are encouraged to meet with their Faculty Advisor periodically throughout their academic career. Faculty Advisors are the experts in the study of media and can talk with students about their academic, career and graduate school goals. Faculty Advisors make decisions regarding course substitutions for the major, which means course substitution form submissions will be reviewed by the student’s Faculty Adviser. Faculty Advisors make decisions regarding appeal applications to the major. Specific Faculty Advisors oversee the Honors Program and independent study units related to Internships. Media Studies Student Academic Advisors may refer students intending to major in Media Studies to Media Studies Faculty Advisors for specific reasons related to applying to the major.

If you are declared in the Media Studies major, your assigned Media Studies Faculty Advisor is listed below:

Last name A through G – See Dr. Ian Davis.
Last name H through O – See Dr. Josh Jackson.
Last name P through Z – See Dr. Meeta Rani Jha.

See the paragraph above for when you see a Media Studies Faculty Advisor.

If you are declared in the Media Studies major, see the following faculty for specific enrichment opportunities:

Honors in Media Studies – Read Honors Program and see Meeta Rani Jha.

Internship Academic Units – Read Internships and see Matthew Berry.

4. Other Advisors

Depending on your unique situation, you may have additional advisers that you need to consult. For example, if you are an International student, you have advisers in the Berkeley International Office. If you are an athlete, you have advisers in the Athletic Study Center. If you have financial aid, you have advisers in the Financial Aid & Scholarships Office. If you plan to Study Abroad, you will have advisers in the Berkeley Study Abroad Office. If you are a student with a disability, you may have an adviser in the Disabled Students’ Program. If you have more than one major or are working on a minor or certificate, you will have advisers in other departments and programs. As you explore career options and/or graduate school and prepare for the transition to life after graduation, you may have advisers in the Career Counseling Library or Career Engagement. As you can see, there are many people on campus who are available to advise you as you manage your academic career and create a meaningful undergraduate experience.